Violent Malicious Acts

Violent Malicious Acts

WealthGuard offers a malicious act insurance policy to help you and your facility move forward after a tragedy, homicide, nonfatal injury, or substantial damage to property.

Violent Malicious Acts Insurance

Violent Malicious Acts (VMA) Insurance insures a broadly defined extra expense for businesses that suffer an attack causing injury or death, regardless of any physical damage.

Speak with our Violent Malicious Acts Specialist


A malicious attack that causes little or no physical damage may result in losses that will not be covered by property insurance. Liability insurance, terrorism, and WCA policies also may not respond. A malicious act insurance policy offers specialized protection to cover malicious incidents.

100% underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd's.

Aside from severe personal cost, such as injury or death, malicious attacks can cause huge, unplanned disruption and expense. Such expenses may include, but are not limited to:

  • Extra security personnel
  • Temporary alternative premises & transportation
  • Trauma counseling for staff
  • Expense securing replacements for dead or injured employees
  • Potential loss of revenue (such as losses incurred by relocation of patrons)
Violent Malicious Acts
Violent Malicious Acts


For more information about Violent Malicious Acts Insurance, contact WealthGuard below.

Ready to learn more?Contact us today.